School Committee 04-06-2022

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1.1 District Vision and Core Values 00:01:11

1.2 Statement by Chair - Video or Audio Recording 00:01:53

1.3 Invocation of the Rule of Necessity 00:02:19

2.1 Superintendent Academic Excellence Award 00:04:35

2.1 Superintendent Academic Excellence Award Recipients: Jessica Guo and Phoebe Papavasiliou

2.2 Scientific Discovery Field Trip 00:13:10

2.2 Scientific Discovery Field Trip to the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole

3.1 Approve School Committee Meeting Minutes 00:27:59

3.1 Approve School Committee Meeting Minutes - March 16, 2022

3.2 Student Envoys Report 00:28:24

3.3 Public Comment 00:31:18

3.4 School Committee Comments and Sub-Committee/Li 00:32:03

3.4 School Committee Comments and Sub-Committee/Liaison Reports

3.5 Superintendent's Report 00:37:02

3.6 Assistant Superintendent's Report 00:58:14

4.1 Approve Youth Development Coordinator 01:03:10

4.1 Approve Youth Development Coordinator Job Description and Position - Dr. Mayo-Brown and Liz Freedman

4.2 Eliminate Youth Development Specialist Positio 01:21:54

4.2 Eliminate Youth Development Specialist Position - Dr. Mayo-Brown

4.3 Approve Barnstable High School Crossroads Teac 01:22:23

4.3 Approve Barnstable High School Crossroads Teacher Job Description - Katie Turner

4.4 Approve Alternative Education Teacher Job Desc 01:37:38

4.4 Approve Alternative Education Teacher Job Descriptions - Dr. Mayo-Brown and Liz Freedman

4.5 Approve Coordinator of Alternative Education 01:56:40

4.5 Approve Coordinator of Alternative Education Job Description - Dr. Mayo-Brown and Liz Freedman

4.6 Approve Early Release for Barnstable Intermedi 01:57:51

4.6 Approve Early Release for Barnstable Intermediate School on June 2 and 3, 2022 for Purposes of Student Led Conferences

4.7 Create a Subcommittee for the Purpose of Estab 01:59:12

4.7 Create a Subcommittee for the Purpose of Establishing Goals and an Evaluation System for the School Attorney

4.8 Approve Membership for the Subcommittee 02:01:41

4.8 Approve Membership for the Subcommittee for the Purpose of Establishing Goals and an Evaluation System for the School Attorney

4.9 Approve School Committee Policies in Section G 02:03:10

4.9 Approve School Committee Policies in Section G (Personnel) in Form

5.1 Approve Contract Award for the FY'22 Barnstabl 02:04:17

5.1 Approve Contract Award for the FY'22 Barnstable High School Rooftop Unit Replacement Project

5.2 Approve FY'23 Budget 02:05:30

5.4 Budget Transfer Authorizations 02:14:25

5.3 Approve FY'22 Grants, Gifts and Donations 02:16:01

5.5 Approve Accounts Payable Warrant FY'22 Warrant 02:16:48

5.5 Approve Accounts Payable Warrant FY'22 Warrant #40

6.1 Executive Session 02:17:22

6.1 Executive Session: To approve the School Committee Executive Session Minutes of March 16, 2022; a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel and/or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel: Eric Bruinooge and Catherine Zinni; and to discuss strategy regarding Collective Bargaining with the Barnstable Teachers Association (Licensed Employee Unit) and the Barnstable Administrators Organization, per M.G.L. c. 30A, ยง 21(a)(2 and 3).

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