2.1 Introduction of Elizabeth Freedman, Principal, Barnstable High School
3.1 Approval of School Committee Meeting Minutes - July 13, 2021
3.2 Public Comment - Real-time public comment testimony can be addressed to the School Committee by using the Zoom link or telephone number and access code for remote access below. Public Comment will be limited to 3 minutes per individual and 30 minutes total. Join Zoom Meeting:https://zoom.us/j/91853494604; Meeting ID: 918 5349 4604; US Toll-free 888 475 4499
3.3 School Committee Comments and Sub-Committee/Liaison Reports
4.2 Superintendent Job Description for new Superintendent Search - Mr. Judge - 10 Minutes
5.1 Update Policy JICFB (Bullying Prevention) - Ms. Moynihan - 10 Minutes
5.2 Approve School Committee Policies in Section D (Fiscal Management) in Form - Ms. Bent - 10 Minutes
5.3 Create Subcommittee for the Superintendent Search - Mr. Judge - 5 Minutes
5.4 Appoint School Committee Members to the Subcommittee for the Superintendent Search - Mr. Judge - 5 Minutes
5.5 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Training for the School Committee - Ms. Dunn - 10 Minutes
6.1 Approve Transportation Employee Hourly Rates - Mr. Markwell - 10 Minutes
6.2 Approve Expenditure not to exceed $300,000 from the District School Choice Revolving Fund for the Purpose of Leasing Portable Classrooms to be located at the Hyannis West and Barnstable Community Innovation School Campuses - Mr. Markwell - 10 Minutes
6.4 Approve the Contract for the Data and Accountability Analyst - Dr. Mayo-Brown - 5 Minutes
6.3 Approve Expenditure not to exceed $120,000 from the District School Choice Revolving Fund for the Purpose of Purchasing Athletic Uniforms - Mr. Markwell - 10 Minutes
6.5 Approve Increase of Assistant Principal Position from .5 to 1.0 [West Villages Elementary (.5) and Barnstable-West Barnstable Elementary (.5)] - Dr. Mayo-Brown - 10 Minutes
6.6 FY'23 Budget Planning - Mr. Markwell - 15 Minutes
6.7 Approve FY'22 Grants, Gifts and Donations - Mr. Markwell - 5 Minutes
6.8 Approve Accounts Payable Warrant FY'22 Warrant #6 - Mr. Nystrom - 5 Minutes
7.1 Executive Session: To approve the School Committee Executive Session Minutes of July 13, 2021; to discuss strategy regarding Collective Bargaining with the Barnstable Teachers Association (Licensed Employee Unit), per M.G.L. c. 30A, ยง 21(a)(3).a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel and/or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel: Kathleen Turner and Katri Mullaly; and to discuss strategy for negotiations with non-union personnel for compensation related to unused vacation time: Kristen Harmon
8.1 Consideration of Memoranda of Agreement between the Barnstable School Committee and the Barnstable Teachers Association (Licensed Educator Unit)
8.2 Approve the Contract for the Executive Director of Student Services and Social Emotional Learning
8.3 Approve the Contract for the Facilities Booking Coordinator