Planning Board 02-08-2021

Show Details


Call to Order: Introduction of Board Members and S 00:01:52

Call to Order: Introduction of Board Members and Staff Members

Notice of Recording: 00:02:30

Notice of Recording: This meeting is being recorded and broadcast on Channel 18 and in accordance with MGL Chapter 30A §20. The Chair must inquire whether anyone else is taping this meeting and to please make their presence known

Subdivisions 00:02:47

Subdivisions Attorney John Kenney has submitted a request for Lot Release for Lots 3, 4 and 5, Subdivision No. 822 - Aberle Way, Plan Book 651, Page 49

Regulatory Agreements 00:07:47

Regulatory Agreements Regulatory Agreement No. 2020-01 – 77 PLEASANT STREET REALTY TRUST 77 Pleasant Street Realty Trust, Wayne Kurker, Trustee seeks to enter into a Regulatory Agreement with the Town of Barnstable to use the property as a private open air parking lot. The proposal is for an 81 space gravel parking lot. The site is developed with a historic residential two-family dwelling. The dwelling is proposed to be preserved and moved within 21 feet of Pleasant Street and to continue as a two-family residential use. The subject property is 77 Pleasant Street, Hyannis, Massachusetts, shown on Assessor’s Map 327 as Parcel 118. It is zoned HD Harbor District. Board Members Steven Costello, Chair Jeffrey Swartz, Vice Chair Patrick Foran, Clerk Mary Barry Stephen Robichaud Aimee Guthinger Robert Twiss Town Council Liaison – Mathew Levesque Planning & Development Dept. Staff Elizabeth Jenkins, AICP, Director - Kate Maldonado, Senior Planner - Karen Herrand, Principal Assistant - Town of Barnstable The Regulatory Agreement seeks waivers from the Zoning Ordinance, specifically: Section 240-24.1.7(A)(1) Principal Permitted uses in the Harbor District – Neither a private open air parking lot nor a two-family dwelling are a permitted use in the District. The applicant also seeks the need for relief under 240-24.1.7(C) Dimensional, bulk, and other requirements to the extent required. Continued from November 23, 2020, December 14, 2020, and January 25, 2021.

Approval of Minutes 00:17:35

Approval of Minutes January 25, 2021, ADU Community Meeting draft minutes January 25, 2021, draft minutes November 23, 2020, draft minutes March 11, 2019, draft minutes

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