District Vision The Barnstable Public Schools educates the whole child by creating a student centered school culture that addresses students' physical, social, emotional, and academic needs by creating a safe and healthy learning environment in which students are challenged, supported, and engaged. Core Values In Barnstable Public Schools, we value commitment, collaboration, and community... *Commitment: We are dedicated to the continuous learning and growth for all. *Collaboration: We work together while keeping student needs at the center of all decision making. *Community: We build strong, respectful partnerships that support student success.
I remind everyone that this meeting is being recorded and will be broadcast on Channel 18. I also remind any member of the public who wishes to make an audio or video recording of the open session of this meeting to first notify me as the Chair, and I will then inform the public of the recording, as required by the Open Meeting Law.
2.2 Virtual Tour of the new Environmental Science Classroom with Michael Smith
3.1 Approval of School Committee Meeting Minutes - December 2, 2020
3.4 School Committee Comments and Sub-Committee/Liaison Reports
4.1 Update Policy JFABD (Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services) - Ms. Pauly - 5 Minutes
4.2 Create Policy JFABF (Educational Opportunities for Children in Foster Care) - Ms. Pauly - 5 Minutes
3.3 Public Comment - Real-time public comment testimony can be addressed to the School Committee by using the Zoom link or telephone number and access code for remote access below. Public Comment will be limited to 3 minutes per individual and 30 minutes total. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92251829659, Meeting ID: 922 5182 9659, Phone: 888-475-4499
4.3 Clarification of August 5, 2020 School Committee Vote Regarding Barnstable High School Mascot - Mr. Nystrom - 5 Minutes
5.1 BHS Student Survey - Ms. Kaitlyn Chamness-O'Connor - 10 Minutes
5.3 Pivot to Remote-Learning Model Following the Holiday Recess - Dr. Mayo-Brown - 5 Minutes
5.4 Chapter 70 Funds Letter to Legislation - Ms. Pauly - 10 Minutes
5.5 Update JKAA (Restraint of Students in Barnstable Public Schools) Policy - Ms. Pauly - 5 Minutes
5.6 District Legal Representation - Mr. Judge - 15 Minutes
5.7 2021-2022 School Calendar - Dr. Mayo-Brown - 10 Minutes
5.8 2021-2022 School Committee Meetings Calendar - Mr. Judge - 5 Minutes
6.1 Approve the Contract for the Director of Facilities - Dr. Mayo-Brown - 5 Minutes
6.2 Financial Reporting Individual Meeting Results - Dr. Mayo-Brown and Mr. Markwell - 10 Minutes
6.5 Approve Accounts Payable Warrant FY'21 Warrant #28 - Ms. Ellis - 5 Minutes
6.2 Financial Reporting Individual Meeting Results - Dr. Mayo-Brown and Mr. Markwell - 10 Minutes
6.3 Approve FY'21 Grants, Gifts and Donations - Mr. Markwell - 5 Minutes
7.1 Executive Session: To approve the Executive Session Minutes of December 2, 2020, to conduct a strategy session in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel and/or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel: Sandy Gifford, and to discuss strategy regarding Collective Bargaining with the Barnstable Teachers Association (Licensed Employee, Paraprofessional, and Administrative Assistants Units) and Barnstable Administrators Organization, per M.G.L. c. 30A, ยง 21(a)(3).
8.1 Consideration of Memoranda of Agreement between the Barnstable School Committee and the Barnstable Teachers Association (Licensed Educator Unit, Paraprofessional Unit and Administrative Assistant Unit