from elected officials, boards, committees, staff commission reports, correspondence and announcements
2019-042 Amending Chapter 240, Article III, of the Zoning Ordinances to expand the highway Business District
2019-087 Supplemental Appropriation and Transfer Order in the amount of $765,000 for the Fiscal Year 2019 Airport Enterprise Fund Operating Budget (Public Hearing)
2019-088 Authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Regulatory Agreement between the Town of Barnstable and 720 Main Residences, LLC, for property located at 720 Main Street, Hyannis, MA to redevelop 720 Main Street, Hyannis with 40 units of Workforce Housing (Public Hearing)
2019-092 Amendment of the Zoning Map of the Town of Barnstable Massachusetts to AMEND and expand the Residence C District to include the entirety of parcel 116/014 (Public Hearing)
Appropriation and Transfer Order in the amount of $80,000 for burial equipment for the Department of Public Works cemetery program (Refer to Public Hearing 03/21/19).
Order Supplementing Prior Loan Orders of the Town to allow for the application of premium received to project costs (May be acted upon).
2019-153 Supplemental Appropriation and Transfer Order in the amount of $200,000 for the Fiscal Year 2019 Airport Enterprise Fund Capital Budget (Refer to Public Hearing 03/21/19) ..
Supplemental Appropriation and Transfer Order in the amount of $44,617 for the purpose of funding Fiscal Year 2019 public safety operational and maintenance improvements at Bismore Park (Refer to Public Hearing 03/21/19) ..