1. Hearing for the transfer of aquaculture licensed site ng030 from Linda Begley, 20 High St, West Barnstable, MA 02668 to Scott Mullin, 90 Alderbrook Lane, West Barnstable, MA 02668 and issuance of a new license to Scott Mullin for a period of 5 years. Public hearing 4/10/2025 10:00AM, Selectmen's Conference Room, second floor, Town Hall, 367 Main St. Hyannis
Hearing for the transfer of aquaculture licensed site ng029 from Mark Begley, 20 High St, West Barnstable, MA 02668 to Tyler Hagenstein 28 Derby Drive, West Barnstable, MA 02668 and issuance of a new license to Tyler Hagenstein for a period of 5 years. Public hearing 4/10/2025 10:00AM, Selectmen's Conference Room, second floor, Town Hall, 367 Main St. Hyannis
1. Applicant: Jeffrey & Candace Dobro
Applicant: 135 Putnam Avenue, LLC