Barnstable Land Trust Inc. (BLT) is requesting a letter of support for their application to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) for the purchase of a Conservation Restriction on 10.3 acres of important recreation and open space land at 30 and 31 Crockers Neck Road, Cotuit
To replace existing bank stairs and deck at 980 Main Street, Cotuit as shown on Assessor’s Map 034 Parcel 033. DA-25005
Rebuild existing deck including new footings. Square off and enlarge deck along the house from 6’ to 8’ at 39 Hornbeam Lane, Centerville as shown on Assessor’s Map 206 Parcel 070. DA-25006
Removal of a large diseased swamp maple tree that is a hazard to the dwelling at 110 Annable Point Road, Centerville as shown on Assessor’s Map 210 Parcel 043. DA-25007
Proposed invasive plant removal and native plant restoration to multiple areas of the property along with construction of a reinforced high marsh system and placement of a salt marsh pillow in order to stabilize and revegetate the base of the coastal bank at 309 Bay Lane, Centerville as shown on Assessor’s Map 185 Parcel 014. SE3-6247
Installation of porch and patio within 50’ of a wetland resource area, removal of invasive species, and installation of mitigation plantings at 353 Ocean Street, Hyannis as shown on Assessor’s Map 325 Parcel 15. SE3-6248
Demolition of existing 3-bedroom dwelling and replacement with 3-bedroom dwelling with relocated septic system at 640 Poponessett Road, Barnstable as shown on Assessor’s Map 006 Parcel 018.SE3-6249
1541 Main Street, Cotuit – Map 017 Parcel 007. Partial restoration of a wetland resource area – bordering vegetated wetland (BVW) and the buffer to a wetland resource area – BVW.