Airport Commission 02-18-2025


1. Call to Order 00:00:14

This meeting of the Cape Cod Gateway Commission meeting is being recorded and broadcast on the Town of Barnstable’s Government Access Channel. In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 20, I must inquire whether anyone else is recording this meeting and, if so, to please make their presence known.

2. Roll Call 00:00:38

3. Pledge of Allegiance 00:01:00

4. Minutes of the Previous Meetings - January 21, 2025 00:01:25

5. Public Comment 00:02:05

6. Commissioner's Response to Public Comment 00:02:09

7. Report from Sub-Committees (Finance & Infrastructure & Marketing) 00:02:19

 Finance (Commissioners Weill, Bailey, Guiod)  Infrastructure & Marketing (Commissioners DiGeorge, Bierwirth, Maillho)

8. Old Business 00:08:07

9. New Business 00:08:09

COM0225-1 Approval of the Airport Capital Improvement Plan FY2026-2030 00:08:10

MOTION to review, discuss, and approve the FY2026-2030 Airport Capital Improvement Plan for submittal to the Town of Barnstable. SPONSOR: Finance Subcommittee (May be acted upon)

COM0225-2 - Approval of the Recommendation of Award and Contract for a 3-year On-call Environmental Services to HRP Associates, Inc. 00:52:21

MOTION to approve the award to HRP Associates, LLC and to approve the subsequent contract by and between HRP Associates, LLC and the Cape Cod Gateway Airport for the 3- year on-call Environmental Services. SPONSOR: Finance Subcommittee (May be acted upon)

COM0225-3 - Approval of the Change Order #1, for Runway 6/24 EMAS Replacement Project in the amount of $102,000. 00:56:45

MOTION to approve the Amendment #1 to the contract dated June 3, 2022, by and between Cape Cod Gateway Airport and Lawrence Lynch Corp. for additional work associated with Leachate in the EMAS Blocks in the amount of $102,000.00. SPONSOR: Finance Subcommittee (May be acted upon)

COM0225-4 - Approval of the Change Order #1, for Aircraft Firefighting Vehicle Replacement Project in the amount of $0.00. 01:01:07

MOTION to approve the Amendment #1 to the contract dated August 21, 2024, by and between Cape Cod Gateway Airport and Rosenbauer Minnesota, LLC for body changes to the Aircraft Firefighting Replacement Vehicle in the amount of $0.00. SPONSOR: Finance Subcommittee (May be acted upon)

COM0225-5 - Discussion and Approval of the Recommendation of Award for Recruitment Services to ADK Consulting, Inc. for a total contract price of $49,999.00. 01:02:45

MOTION to approve the award to ADK Consulting, Inc. and to approve the subsequent contract by and between ADK Consulting, Inc. and the Cape Cod Gateway Airport for the Airport Manager position Recruitment Services in the not to exceed amount of $49,999.00. SPONSOR: Finance Subcommittee (May be acted upon)

COM0225-7 - Approval to adopt the proposed Cape Cod Gateway Airport (CCGA) MVPStrategicTM Plan as written and presented. 01:22:45

MOTION to approve the adoption of the proposed Cape Cod Gateway MVPStrategicTM Plan as written and presented. SPONSOR: Airport Commission (May be acted upon)

10. Reports of Special Committees - Yarmouth Representative Comments 01:32:45

Updates - See Agenda For All Updates 01:34:40

11. Announcements - Commissioner's Comments 01:36:10

EXECUTIVE SESSION - Executive Session Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(3) to Discuss Strategy with Respect to Litigation As a Discussion In Open Session May Have a Detrimental Effect on the Litigating Position of the Airport Commission and the Town of Barnstable. 01:38:58

Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation as a discussion in open session may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Airport Commission and the Town of Barnstable. MOTION: As Chair of the Airport Commission, I move to enter Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, § 21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation as a discussion in open session may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Airport Commission and the Town of Barnstable. Specifically, the Airport Commission will discuss litigation strategy with respect to the multi-district litigation in South Carolina’s U.S. District Court regarding Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Products Liability Litigation, and, in particular, with respect to the Town of Barnstable’s member civil case, Town of Barnstable v. 3M Company, et al. The Airport Commission will not reconvene in Public Session after the Executive Session.

Adjournment - Next Meeting, March 18, 2025 01:40:41

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