Town Council 02-06-2025


1. ROLL CALL 00:02:30



Recognition of Lawrence Reney 00:04:28

4. PUBLIC COMMENT 00:08:59


6. TOWN MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (Pre-Recorded and available on Video on Demand on the Town website) 00:25:37

7. MINUTES • ACT ON PUBLIC SESSION MINUTES: January 30, 2025 00:27:28

8. COMMUNICATIONS - from elected officials, boards, committees, and staff, commission reports, correspondence and announcements 00:28:39

Update from Comprehensive Financial Advisory, Hector Guenther, Chair 00:28:47

Update from Cape Light Compact, Maggie Downey, Chief Administrative Officer 00:51:39

Discussion on Flow Neutral, James Kupfer, Director, Planning and Development; Dan Santos, Director, Department of Public Works 01:26:13

A motion will be made to withdraw Item 2025-060 so that it can be readvertised for the March 6, 2025 Town Council meeting 2025-060 Amending the Code of the Town of Barnstable, Part I General Ordinances, Chapter 240 Zoning to Revise the Definition of Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and to Revise Use and Dimensional Requirements, Floor Area Definition, and Clarify Parking Restrictions and No Owner Occupancy Requirement for ADUs (Public Hearing) (Roll call Majority Vote Full Council) 02:24:34

2025-072 Authorization to contract for and expend a Fiscal Year 2025 Jail/Arrest Diversion Program Component Grant in the amount of $117,500 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Mental Health (May be acted upon) (Majority Vote) 02:25:33

2025-073 Approval of the Appointments to the Appointments Committee (May be acted upon) (Majority vote) 02:28:19

2025-074 Resolve approving and adopting the Town of Barnstable 2025 Housing Production Plan dated May 2, 2024 (First Reading) (Refer to Public Hearing 02/27/2025) 02:29:37

2025-075 Amending the Code of the Town of Barnstable, Part I General Ordinances, Chapter 240 Zoning to add three properties to the Multifamily Affordable Housing Residential District to allow for By-Right Affordable Housing in addition to Special Permit Affordable Housing, and to add parking requirements, roof mounted solar system requirements, principal permitted uses, and other Multifamily Affordable Housing requirements. (First Reading) (Refer to Planning Board) 02:30:52

2025-076 Resolve delegating authority to the Town Manager to act on two grants of location for two National Grid projects (May be acted upon) (Majority Vote) 02:32:11

2025-077 Authorizing the grant of an easement for gas facilities on town-owned land at 725 Main Street in Hyannis (First Reading) (Refer to Second Reading 02/27 2025) 02:36:43

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