Community Preservation Committee 12-16-2024


Roll Call of the Members 00:00:29

Minutes - Approval of the Draft Community Preservation Committee Regular Meeting Minutes from November 25, 2024 Minutes 00:01:00

Letters of Intent 00:02:03

- Historic Restoration of the Centerville Recreation Building - 524 Main Street, Centerville 00:02:07

A Letter of Intent has been received from the Department of Public Works requesting $341,595 in Community Preservation Historic Preservation Funds for exterior restoration work to the Centerville Recreation Building located at 524 Main Street, Centerville, map 207, parcel 043. Proposed improvements include the repair/replacement of the portico, trim and exterior door replacement as well as partial roof replacement. This funding request represents the total estimated project cost with prior plumbing and building improvements performed in 2015 and 2017 provided as matching funding. The building was originally constructed in 1880 and is listed as a contributing building in the National Register Historic District.

- Historic Restoration of the West Barnstable Railroad Depot - 2469 Meetinghouse Way, West Barnstable 00:16:41

A Letter of Intent has been received from the Department of Public Works requesting $792,000 in Community Preservation Historic Preservation Funds for restoration of the West Barnstable Railroad Depot located at 2469 Meetinghouse Way, map 155, parcel 043. Proposed restoration work includes the removal and salvage of the existing clay tile roof, deteriorated roof sheathing, waterproofing and reinstallation of the historic roof tiles, associated wood trim repair, roof structural repair, window restoration, and interior water damage repair. Capital funds will be used for the design and installation of a mechanical system that will control indoor temperatures and humidity. This funding request represents a portion of the total estimated project cost of $978,000 with Capital Improvement Plan funding in the amount of $186,000. The building is in the Old Kings Highway Historic District as well as the West Barnstable Historic District and is listed as a contributing building in the National Historic District and the State Register as a Cultural Resource.

- Historic Restoration of the Old Jail Building - 3353 Main Street, Barnstable 00:45:41

A Letter of Intent has been received from the Department of Public Works requesting $371,775 in Community Preservation Historic Preservation Funds for restoration work to the Old Jail Building located at 3353 Main Street, Barnstable, map 299, parcel 046. Proposed work will address structural concerns identified in the CBI Consulting building study as well as accessibility, exterior building and site elements and required design work. This funding request represents a portion of the total estimated project cost of $485,525 with Capital Improvement Plan funding in the amount of $113,750. The building was built in 1690 and holds significant historical value as one of the oldest wooden jails in Massachusetts and is tied to many notable historic events. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is in the Old King's Highway Historic District.

- Historic Restoration of the Marstons Mills Airfield Hanger - 1000 Race Lane, Marstons Mills 00:48:36

A Letter of Intent has been received from the Department of Public Works requesting $496,775 in Community Preservation Historic Preservation Funds for the restoration of the Marstons Mills Airfield Hangar located at 1000 Race Lane, Marstons Mills, map 104, parcel 002-T00. Proposed restoration work will focus on addressing the building's structural integrity and restoring damaged exterior components to ensure its continued functionality while safeguarding its historical significance. This funding request represents a portion of the total estimated project cost of $566,588 with Capital Improvement Plan funding in the amount of $58,280. The building was constructed in the early 1920s, and the airfield's history is deeply rooted in aviation and has been an integral part of the Cape Cod community for over a century and is listed on the State Register as a Cultural Resource.

Applications 01:08:30

- Application from Barnstable Land Trust, LLC - Acquisition of Property Located at 30 and 31 Crocker's Neck Road, Cotuit 01:08:34

• An Application has been received from Barnstable Land Trust, Inc. requesting $1,350,000 in Community Preservation Open Space/Recreation Funds in support of the appraised fair market value acquisition of the property located at 30 and 31 Crocker's Neck Road, map 020, parcel 093-001 and 097 totaling 10.62 acres, with the remaining 50% of the acquisition cost, plus project costs, being raised through BLT's private fundraising. This open space project will be eligible for a state PARC grant to the Town for purchase of a Conservation Restriction in the amount of $500,000 which could partially reimburse the CPA funding. The purchase of the property by BLT will protect the property from development, and will preserve the scenic, open space, and recreation values of the property for public access and use by the community. Barnstable Land Trust will grant a perpetual Conservation Restriction to the Town of Barnstable on the property.

Correspondence Received 01:31:17

- Email from Planning & Development Department Regarding Future Housing Discussions by the Planning Board and Links to Recent Reports About Multifamily Housing 01:31:23

- An Inquiry Regarding the West Barnstable Village Store for Historic Preservation Funds Has Been Received 01:32:11

- An Inquiry From the Cape Cod Regional Technical High School Superintendent About Open Space/Recreation Funds Has Been Received 01:33:18

- An Inquiry From the South Congregational Church About Historic Preservation Funds for Cemetery Restoration Has Been Received 01:34:14

Project Updates 01:34:59

- Oakmont Road, Cummaquid Properties Open Space Acquisition Update 01:35:01

- Mass DOT Made An Award For the CC Rail Trail Phase III Work, Tentative to Start in Spring 2025 01:36:04

- Application for Open Space and Rec. Plan Consultant Has Been Referred to the Town Manager 01:36:15

- The Federated Church Universalist Ceremony Project Has Been Referred to the Town Manager 01:36:27

- Letters of Support from the Open Space and Conservation Committees for the Smith's Creek CR Have Issued. The Project Will be Scheduled for Referral to the Town Manager 01:36:33

- Member Discussion - Housing Update - Stephen Robichaud 01:36:52

- Member Discussion - Meeting Format for the January 27, 2025, Community Preservation Committee Meeting 01:48:43

Adjournment 01:49:03

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