Board of Health 11-26-2024


1. Septic Variances - Glen Harrington, Representing Owner Nile Morin - 776 Main Street, Osterville, Map/Parcel 117-085 00:01:28

Requesting multiple septic variances from the State Environmental Code, 31O CMR 15.000, Title 5.

2. Sewer Connection/ Extension Requests - POSTPONED to December 17, 2024 - (Continued from September 24, 2024) Karen Moreshead - Representing Owner, Elizabeth Horan - 391 Green Dunes Drive, Centerville, Map/Parcel 246-154 00:11:33

Phase 1 of the CWMP, requesting deferral to phase 2 of the CWMP.

3. Garbage and Refuse - Variance - (Continued From October 22, 2024) Vani Patel, Representing Hyannis Plaza Hotel - 662 Main Street, Hyannis, Map/Parcel 308-049 00:12:03

Requesting variance regarding the minimum setback from an abutter's property line, Town Code ยง 353-4.

4. Septic Installer - New - David J. Burnie, Harwich, MA 00:17:14

5. Minutes - October 22, 2024 00:17:24

Adjournment 00:18:12

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