Notice of Recording 00:00:27
This meeting of the Open Space Committee is being recorded and broadcast on the Town of Barnstable’s Government Access Channel. In accordance with MGL Chapter 30A §20, I must inquire whether anyone else is recording this meeting and, if so, to pleasemake their presence known.
Call to Order and Introduction of Members 00:00:52
Ann Canedy – Chair, Farley Lewis – Vice Chair, Elizabeth Lewis, Douglas Payson, Elissa Crowley, Anne Rowland, Tracy Pratt, Cate Gulliver, Lev Malakhoff
Approval of Minutes 00:01:33
December 11, 2023
Mapping Update - Alicia Messier 00:02:44
Update - Pathways Update Including NEMBA Path Project and Geocaching 00:45:42
Update - Outstanding Conservation Restrictions 01:09:51
Report From Tracy Pratt Regarding Santuit Preserve 01:10:45
Open Space & Recreation Plan 01:11:00
Report From Farley Lewis Regarding Community Preservation Committee Open Space Applications 01:17:19
Report From Town Council Liaison Kris Clark 01:19:40
There are currently no upcoming air times.