Zoning Board of Appeals 09-27-2023

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Call to Order 00:02:40

Introduction of Board Members

Notice of Recording 00:03:09

This meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals is being recorded and broadcast on the Town of Barnstable’s Government Access Channel. In accordance with MGL Chapter 30A §20, I must inquire whether anyone is recording this meeting and if so, to please make their presence known.

Minutes 00:03:30

August 23, 2023 and September 13, 2023

Old Business 00:04:27

A. Appeal No. 2023-019 - Vilsaint 00:04:30

Kevin Y. and Corrie L. Vilsaint have applied for a Special Permit in accordance with Section 240-47.2 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The Applicants seek to remove and replace an existing accessory structure with a new accessory dwelling unit (ADU). The Applicants also seek to modify Special Permit No. 2020-038 to allow further build out of the property for the accessory dwelling unit and additions to the principal dwelling. The subject property is located at 358 Flint Street, Marstons Mills, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 101 as Parcel 121. It is located in the Residence F (RF) Zoning District. Members assigned: Dewey, Webb, Bodensiek, Pinard and Johnson. Continued from August 23, 2023.

B. Appeal No. 2023-021 - Capetown Plaza LLC 00:06:05

Capetown Plaza LLC has applied for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 240-57 A. and C. Circumstances Warranting Reduction of Requirements. The Applicant seeks to establish an overall shopping center ratio for the property of 3.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of shopping center gross floor area. The subject property is located at 790 Iyannough Road, Hyannis, MA, as shown on Assessor’s Map 311 as Parcel 092. It is located in the Business (B) and Highway Business (HB) Zoning Districts. Continued from September 13, 2023.

C. Appeal No. 2023-022 - Capetown Plaza LLC 00:07:13

Capetown Plaza LLC has petitioned for a Variance pursuant to Section 240-65 A. through E. and H. Signs in B, UB, HB, HO, S&D, and SD-1 Districts. The Petitioner seeks to establish a comprehensive site-wide tenant building and pylon signage criteria to regulate total allowable signage area, location, and illumination for “The Landing at Hyannis”. The subject property is located at 790 Iyannough Road, Hyannis, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 311 as Parcel 092. It is located in the Business (B) and Highway Business (HB) Zoning Districts. Continued from September 13, 2023.

New Business 01:33:38

A. Appeal No. 2023-023 - Doud 01:33:45

Michael and Florence Doud have applied for a Special Permit in accordance with Section 240-92 B., Nonconforming buildings or structures used as single- and two-family residences. The Applicants seek to renovate the preexisting nonconforming structure by adding 1,940 sq. ft. for a total proposed gross floor area of 4,435 sq. ft. The lot contains 9,600 square feet where 1 acre is required. The existing structure is nonconforming to setback requirements with 12.4 feet front setback where 30 feet is required, 0 feet side and 0 rear setbacks where 15 feet is required, and the proposed expansion will maintain the existing nonconforming setbacks. The subject property is located at 29 Lafayette Ave, Hyannis, MA as shown on Assessor’s Map 287 as Parcel 045. It is located in the Residence F-1 (RF-1) Zoning District.

B. Appeal No. 2023-024 - Sawyer Realty Holdings, LLC 01:51:53

Correspondence 02:55:51

Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair 02:55:54

Upcoming Hearings - October 11, 2023, October 25, 2023, November 8, 2023 02:55:57

Adjournment 02:56:06

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