Board of Health 06-27-2023

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Notice of Recording 00:01:21

This meeting of the Board of Health will be recorded and transmitted by the Information Technology Department of the Town of Barnstable on Channel 18. Under MGL Chapter 30A Section 20, anyone else desiring to make such a recording or transmission must notify the Chair.

I. State Title 5 Regulations Amendments Received 00:01:42

Town Manager Mark Ells

II. Variance - Septic (Cont.) 00:19:29

Daniel Ojala, Down Cape Engineering, representing Allen, Matthew & Daniel Chase, owners – 56 Redwing Lane, Barnstable, Map/Parcel 318-007, 132,443 square feet parcel, vacant lot, requesting variance to have septic system in an area with less than four feet of naturally occurring pervious soil above the adjusted groundwater level.

III. Variance - Septic 00:36:55

David Mason representing James Murphy / Mary Jude Donabedian,Trustee, Donabedian Mary Jude Revocable Trust 2019 – 975 Bumps River Road, Centerville, Map/Parcel 168012-003, requesting septic variance to allow septic tank and pump chamber on adjoining lot (#1007) owned by same trust.

IV. Innovation/Alternative (I/A) - Secondary Treatment Unit (S.T.U) 00:41:29

A. Brian Yergatian, BSC Group, Representing Hyannisport Club – 2 Irving Avenue, Hyannis (MOVED TO JULY 25TH) 00:41:32

Brian Yergatian, BSC Group, representing Hyannisport Club – 2 Irving Avenue, Hyannis, Map/Parcel 266-031, 156 acre parcel, proposed expansion of Racquets Facility, requesting to not install an Innovative Alternative (I/A) Septic system.

B. John O’Dea, Sullivan Engineering, Representing Leigh Hebard, Owner – 73 Hathaway Road, Osterville 00:41:42

John O’Dea, Sullivan Engineering, representing Leigh Hebard, owner – 73 Hathaway Road, Osterville, Map/Parcel 114-033, Singular Wastewater Treatment Septic System requested by the Board of Health in order to maintain a five-bedroom dwelling.

V. Food - Variance (Cont.) 00:45:30

Courtney and Brent Keyser, Kings Grant Racquetball Club – 12 Old Kings Road, Cotuit, Map/Parcel 022-106, requesting a variance from the Saltwater Estuary Interim Protection Regulation and a variance from Title V to allow an increase in seating from 39 to 85 seats.

VI. Housing - Bedroom 00:49:34

Deborah and Dennis Mason, Seashore Homes - 63 Main Street, Hyannis, requesting a variance to the bedroom determination, newly built 8 one –bedroom apartments designed to house two people each. State definition requires minimum of 100 square feet per bedroom for two occupancies and minimum of 70 square feet one occupancy. Requesting variance from State Code to use each bedroom for two adults each.

VII. Pool - Variance 01:03:06

Thomie Stanley, Hyannis Inn Motel – 473 Main Street, Hyannis, Map/Parcel 308-084, requesting a pool variance from the State Sanitary Code 435.06(1)(a) Water Circulation Filtration System, requesting to continue with the flow on pump until the replacement pump is installed which will then comply with the 8 hour turnover rate.

VIII. Food - Variances 01:09:17

A. Kellyanne Barboza-Penn Representing Jimmies Ice Cream – 4075 Falmouth Road, Cotuit 01:09:19

Kellyanne Barboza-Penn representing Jimmies Ice Cream – 4075 Falmouth Road, Cotuit, Map/Parcel 040-038, 1.37 parcel lot, in Saltwater Estuary Interim Protection zone, requesting a grease trap variance and outdoor seating for three picnic tables, has an indoor grease interceptor and low-to-no grease.

B. Elizabeth Wurfbain - "First Friday" - 181 North Street, Hyannis 01:09:29

Elizabeth Wurfbain, presenting event “First Friday” of every month – Farmers Market, July-Dec, 181 North Street, Hyannis (aka Main Street- across from Police Annex, interested in traditional Farmers Market with uncut vegetables and fruit.

IX. Food - Temporary Events 01:17:09

A. Sonny Feldman - “Amplified POC” Event at the Town Green, 367 Main Street 01:17:11

Sonny Feldman is coordinating the event “Amplified POC” at the Town Green, 367 Main Street, Map/Parcel 326-021, on Sunday, July 9 from 12-4 pm with two food vendors: (1) Blue Moon of Barnstable providing chicken, steak and veggie tacos, and (2) Karribean Lounge of Hyannis providing rice, curried chicken, vegetables, stewed pork, fish, fried chicken, soup, and beef patties.

B. Jessica Rudden-Dube - Cotuit Library Cornhole Fundraiser at the Cotuit Library, 871 Main Street, Cotuit 01:22:08

Jessica Rudden-Dube is coordinating the Cotuit Library Cornhole Fundraiser at the Cotuit Library, 871 Main Street, Cotuit, Map/Parcel 035-055, on Friday, July 14 at 4:30-7:30 pm with a rain date of Sunday, July 16th. Jason Siscoe will be providing the following food items: clam chowder, pasta salad, grilled chicken, potato chips, and Italian Sausages.

X. Septic Installer - New 01:25:07

James Ford, Osterville

XI. Body Artist - New 01:25:42

Anzhela Uvarova, body artist at Brow Boutique – 37 Barnstable Road, Hyannis, Map/Parcel 327-013, has the Save Each Life – Anatomy, Physiology and Skin Course for Body Art Practitioners Certificate.

XII. Update Monthly 01:27:14

Regulations/Policies A. Policy – Draft “Deadline to Connect Buildings to Public Sewer” B. Policy – “Temporary Holding Tanks at Locations Where Public Sewer Will Be Provided in the Near Future (within Two or Three Years)”.

Adjournment 01:31:53

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