Conservation Commission 04-25-2023


1. Old and New Business 00:03:38

The Barnstable Conservation Commission and Marine and Environmental Affairs will hold a public workshop allowing for public comments, on the proposed revised shellfish habitat rating map dated 2022 for the Three Bays area. The date for the Commission vote on revised rating maps will be announced at a later date.

2. Requests for Determination 01:14:30

A. Samuel Mullin 01:14:36

Upgrade failed septic system within buffer zone to bordering vegetated wetland at 89 Blue Heron Drive, Osterville as shown on Assessor’s Map 117 Parcel 005. DA-23029 - $17.99

B. Town of Barnstable - DPW 01:18:07

To install two (2) modular non-permanent Granite Memorial Benches at Loop Beach, 281 Ocean Avenue, Cotuit as shown on Assessor’s Map 033 Parcel 021. DA-23030 - $17.99

C. Karen Aylmer 01:23:18

Proposed addition to single family dwelling at 4317 Main Street (Route 6A), Barnstable as shown on Assessor’s Map 350 Parcel 004. DA-23031 - $15.42

D. Richard and Anne Segerson 01:30:28

Installation of pool, fence, landscape plants, driveway adjustment, pergola, fire pit and front fence at 21 Cockachoisett Lane, Osterville as shown on Assessor’s Map 116 Parcel 008. DA-23032 - $20.56

3. Notices of Intent 01:34:00

A. Susan Moore Morgenthau, Trustee – 710-713 Sea View Avenue Realty Trust 01:34:02

To modify and expand existing pier, ramp, and float at 710 Sea View Avenue, Osterville as shown on Assessor’s Map 114 Parcel 013. SE-6086 - $20.56

B. Christopher C. Bushing 01:50:10

Addition to existing single family dwelling and relocation of septic tank at 39 Hilliards Hayway, West Barnstable as shown on Assessor’s Map 136 Parcel 048. SE3-6085 - $20.56

C. Richard and Judith O’Connor 02:23:18

To construct swimming pool and patio along with other landscape features and pruning of understory of the trees on the state defined coastal bank at 70 High Street, West Barnstable as shown on Assessor’s Map 133 Parcel 028-001. SE3-6087 - $28.27

4. Continuances 02:41:30

A. Angela Hahn 02:41:32

Construct and maintain 4’ brushed footpath; bank access stairs; pile supported dinghy dock with 3’ x 12’ ramp, 8’ x 12’ float and kayak racks; vegetative maintenance and understory plantings at 150 Bay Road, Cotuit as shown on Assessor’s Map 007 Parcel 018. SE3-6071 Continued from 3/28/23 NHESP letter received. WC Form received.

B. Robert Willett 02:51:36

Proposed construction of a deck and associated stairway access at 31 Paine Avenue, Hyannis as shown on Assessor’s Map 289 Parcel 119-001. SE3-6078 Cont from 3/28/23 WC Form received.

C. Thomas Keane 03:00:02

Remove and replace existing deck with new deck. A 2’ extension is proposed on the west side with repurposing of existing sono tubes at 160 Huckins Neck Road, Centerville as shown on Assessors’ Map 252 Parcel 144. SE3-6083 Continued from 4/11 for NHESP letter.

D. JMS Holdings LLC 03:02:07

Modification of existing pier by converting from post to pile supports with no change in footprint at 134 South Bay Road, Osterville as shown on Assessor’s Map 093 Parcel 064. SE3-6084 - Continued from 4/11/23 - WC FORM submitted

5. Certifications of Compliance 04:17:00

A. Barry Cosgrove SE3-5853 04:17:07

(COC, ez) Relocate Driveway & Landscape 71 Sand Point, Osterville - Coastal Bank / Flood Zone

B. Melora Coggeshall SE3-5799 04:17:11


Upcoming Hearings 04:17:40

Adjournment 04:17:46

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