Procurement Office
Displaying 1 - 50 of 142 results.
BID Opening - FY25 Street Sweeping with Disposal - 03-26-2025
BID Opening - FY25 Chip Seal Various Road Project - 03-12-2025
BID Opening - FY25 DPW Office Expansion Projects - 03-05-2025
BID Opening - FY25 Bismore Park Marina Bulkhead Rehabilitation Project - 02-26-2025
BID Opening - FY25 On Call Tree Trimming Services - 02-20-2025
BID Opening - FY25 Local Bottleneck Reduction - 01-29-2025
BID Opening - FY25 Town Emergency Generators - 01-22-2025
BID Opening - FY25 HVAC Renovations at Barnstable Intermediate School - General Contractor & FY25 Airport Carrier Vehicle with Snow Plow and Material Spreader - 1-02-2025
BID Opening - FY25 HVAC Renovations at Barnstable Intermediate School - Filed Sub Bid Electrical - 12-19-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Three Year Contract For Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Replacement Services - 12-18-2024
BID Opening - FY25 268 Stevens Street Sewer Pump Station Project - 11-22-2024
BID Opening FY2025 Hyannis Golf Course Clubhouse Renovations General Contractor Bids - 11-21-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Hyannis Golf Course Clubhouse Renovation Sub-Bids - 11-07-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Fall Roadway Improvements Project - 10-23-2024
BID Opening - FY25 MEA Night Vision Googles Purchase - 10-10-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Road Drainage Improvements - 09-25-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Ocean Street and Gosnold Street Improvements - 09-11-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Airport Traffic Control Tower HVAC Replacement Project - General Contractor - 09-04-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Craigville Beach House Improvement Project 08-22-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Airport Airtraffic Control Tower HVAC Replacement Project - 08-21-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Craigville Beach House Improvements Project Sub-Bid Electrical 08-15-2024
BID Opening - FY25 Hydrogen Peroxide 50 Percent - 06-24-2024
BID Opening (REISSUES) - FY24 BCIS Window Replacement General Contractor - & BHS LED Lighting Upgrades - 05-29-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Centerville Sewer Expansion Project North Phase - 05-17-2024
BID Opening - 05-15-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Barnstable High School EIFS Panel Replacement - 05-09-2024
BID Opening - FY24 BCIS School Window Replacement General Contractor Bid - 05-03-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Old Colony Road Pump Station CWSRF 7302 - 05-01-2024
BID Opening - FY24 BCIS Window Replacement - Metal Windows Project - 04-26-2024
BID Opening - 04-25-2024
BID Opening - FY24 BPS, District Wide Exterior Door Replacement - Filed Sub Bid Electrical - 04-24-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Road Drainage Improvements Project - 04-18-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Old Colony Road Pump Station Updgrades CWSRF 7302 Filed Sub Bids - 04-17-2024
BID Opening - FY24 BHS LED Lighting Upgrades and FY24 BHS Chiller Replacement - General Contractor Bids - 04-03-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Renovations to the Paine-Black House - 04-01-2024
REISSUE for FY24 On Call Service Provider for Barnstable Public Schools Commercial Plumbing and Maintenance and Repair Contract and the FY24 BHS Chiller Replacement Sub-Bid Electrical - 03-28-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Spring Road Improvements & FY24 Airport Pavement Markings Project - 03-27-2024
FY24 Main Street Trip Hazards Bid Opening & FY24 Tree Purchase REISSUE - 03-20-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Mary Dunn 4 Well Building Construction - 03-08-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Barnstable Schools On Call Service Provider for Commercial Plumbing Maintenance and Repair Contract - 01-25-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Barnstable Transfer Station Maintenance Building Renovations - 01-17-2024
BID Opening - FY24 Rosewood Lane Road Improvements - 01-10-2024
BID Opening - DPW Admin Building Renovation - 11-08-2023
BID Opening - FY24 Cotuit Entrance and Embayment Channel Maintenance Dredging Project - 10-25-2023
BID Opening FY24 DPW Office Expansion Project - Filed Sub Bid Electrical - 10-18-2023
BID Opening - FY24 Miscellaneous Hardware Supplies and FY24 Bismore Park Marina Maintenance Dredging REISSUE - 09-20-2023
BID Opening - FY24 HYCC Mechanical Renovations RTU & Core - General Contractor Submission - 09-13-2023
BID Opening FY2023 Disposition of Land through Sale 30 Ocean Street, Hyannis MA 09-11-2023
BID Opening - FY 2024 Keyes Memorial Beach Parking Lot Improvements - 09-07-2023