Appropriation Order in the amount of $214,240 for the purpose of funding the Hyannis Youth and Community Center Enterprise Fund Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Expense Budget (Public Hearing)(Roll Call Majority Full Council)
Appropriation request of $156,849 for the Barnstable Police Department Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Expense Budget for the purpose of funding the costs associated with the hiring of ten current patrol officer vacancies (Refer to Public Hearing 02/03/2022)
Amending Chapter 240 Zoning, Article III, § 240-34 to comply with National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requirements (Refer to Planning Board).
Appropriation Order in the amount of $10,000 for the purpose of acquiring an easement over real property located at 195 Phinney’s Lane, Barnstable (Centerville) shown on Assessor’s Map 209 as Parcel 020 to be associated with the construction of new sewer infrastructure (Refer to Public Hearing 02/03/2022)