Appropriation and Loan Order in the amount of $2,750,000 for the Design and Permitting of the Vineyard Wind 2 Route Sewer Expansion Project (Public Hearing)(Roll Call 2/3 Full Council)
Appropriation and Loan Order in the amount of $3,500,000 for the Design and Permitting of the Route 28 West Sewer Expansion Project (Public Hearing) (Roll Call 2/3 Full Council).
Supplemental Appropriation Order in the amount of $8,490 for the Heavy Duty Truck Scale Replacement Project at the Solid Waste Division of the Department of Public Works (Public Hearing) (Roll Call Majority Full Council)
Supplemental Appropriation and Loan Order in the amount of $1,075,000 for the Construction of Sewer Infrastructure to be Installed as Part of MassDOT’s Route 28 and Yarmouth Road Intersection Improvement Project (Public Hearing) (Roll Call 2/3 Full Council).
Supplemental Appropriation Order in the amount of $350,000 for the purpose of funding the Fiscal Year 2022 Department of Public Work’s Fiscal Year 2022 Operating Capital Budget (Public Hearing) (Roll Call Majority Full Council)
Order to approve Term of Contract for Barnstable Public Schools Food Service Management Contract (First Reading) (Refer to Second Reading 01/06/2022).
Authorization to expend a Federal Fiscal Year 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant in the amount of $20,150 from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (May be acted upon) (Roll Call Majority).
Authorization to expend a 2021 Massachusetts Dredging Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development in the amount of $55,000 for the Barnstable Harbor Outer Entrance Channel Dredging Project (May be acted upon) (Roll Call Majority)
Authorization to expend a Fiscal Year 2022 Technical Assistance Grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup in the amount of $15,000 for hiring technical services for technical review and public engagement of disposal site cleanup response actions associated with the Barnstable Fire Training Academy disposal site (May be acted upon) (Roll Call Majority).
Authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Regulatory Agreement between the Town of Barnstable and Lyon Investment Realty Trust for 80 Pearl Street, Hyannis (First Reading) (Refer to Public Hearing 01/06/2022).
Resolve directing the Town Manager or his designee(s) to prepare and submit for the Town Council’s consideration a proposed ordinance providing for the Town’s adoption of the Stretch Energy Code (May be acted upon) (Roll Call Majority).
Adoption of the 2020 Town of Barnstable Precinct map, which map supersedes and replaces the map previously approved on October 7, 2021 (May be acted upon) (Roll Call Majority).