? Update on Green Communities David W. Anthony, Director of Property and Risk Management
8. COMMUNICATIONS- from elected officials, boards, committees, and staff, commission reports, correspondence and announcements
2022-035 Appropriation and Transfer Order in the amount of $165,000 in Community Preservation Historic Preservation Funds for the restoration work to Sturgis Library’s building located at 3090 Main Street/Rte. 6A, Barnstable (Public Hearing) (Roll Call Majority Full Council)
2022-036 Authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Regulatory Agreement between the Town of Barnstable and DUNROVIN TOO, LLC for 68 Yarmouth Road, Hyannis (Public Hearing) (Roll Call 2/3 Full Council)
2022-037 Appointments to a Board/Committee/Commission: Disability Commission: Jerilyn DiCostanzo, as a regular member to a term expiring 6/2022; Shellfish Advisory Committee: Doug Crook, a regular member to a term expiring 06/2024; Zoning Board of Appeals: Denise Thorne Johnson, as an associate member to a term expiring 06/2023 (May be acted upon) (Roll Call Majority)
2022-038 Authorization to expend a grant in the amount of $250,000 from The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Housing and Community Development Housing Choice Communities Grant Program (May be acted upon) (Roll Call Majority)
2022-039 Appropriation Order in the amount of $39,600 for the purpose of funding survey work for proposed sidewalk improvements on East Bay Road and Wianno Avenue in Osterville Village (Refer to Public Hearing 12/02/2021)